. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I recently came across an article from 2014 titled “10 Reasons Why Flying is Still the Best Way to Travel“1. The author legitimately points out that some places simply cannot … Read more

Virgin Mary

I am sitting here and I can’t help but think of the ‘Virgin Mary’ from high school. Her porcelain skin and blue eyes, the way she holds baby Jesus in such a relaxed manner as if motherhood is the easiest thing in this world. Her stepping on the snake and holding the bible? An apple? Honestly … Read more

Volunteering up to a Breaking Point

In 2016, more than 40% of all German citizens above 14 years volunteered in their free time (Die Bundesregierung, 2016). Many university students do, too. When listening to peers, for example to me, you will hear a lot about how stressful their lives are. Because I am one of them, I know that this stress is often not caused by university obligations, but rather by a combination of studying and working, friends and family, hobbies and voluntary work.

Sabines Story

Some people plan their lives, and some realize that many of the persons, places and decisions that really shaped them came quite unplanned. Sabine Kühner’s story is a story about coincidences. It is a story about breaking freefrom what is expected from you, and about trusting in that things will work out.In the fifties, Sabine is … Read more


We are pleased to present you the sixth addition of the JACK: breaking. On a fundamental level, breaking was an appropriate topic for the sixth edition as with it we are breaking away from having solely the conventional printed magazine, moving to an online format and podcast contributions. This has been an exciting transition for … Read more

Rule Rambles

I first wanted to interview people about rules they like to break. Rules they consciously decide to break. Rules they see as not making sense at all. Rules they feel justified to break.

Facebook: Connecting People – Breaking Democracy?

Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook back in 2004 as a networking platform for fellow Harvard University students. Its predecessor ‘’ encountered a lot of resistance as it was orientated around assessing the attractiveness of (female) students.

At night

When no one’s there to see / you cry / do you feel lonely or are you glad? / when you can’t hold back the tears anymore / do you break, are you angry, or “just” sad?

Blue turns into Purple

“And I think that it’s important to become conscious of little things.”, she said as they walked upwards. “To appreciate little moments.” Pausing to have a closer look at here immediate environment, she added:

A Brainstorm

breaking away
breaking in
breaking out
breaking up
breaking down
breaking through
breaking free
breaking apart… a brainstorm on “breaking”.